Here is provided information on the science
city of Calcutta/kolkata India.

city is truly a unique center of science, communication and environment.
This institute was built in 21st century and till date it is the only
one of its kinds within the country. Calcutta science city is located on
Calcutta's Eastern Metropolitan Bypass. It can capacitate about 2215
persons. The science city of Kolkata, India consists of the main
auditorium, 1 small size auditorium and about 8 fully air conditioned
seminar halls. These seminar halls are well equipped with latest
technology audiovisual systems. It is easy to reach Science city, as it
easily accessible by buses and other means of transportation. The
concept of science city is simply mind-blowing. Infact, it has given a
new dimension to the field of science that teaches various scientific
aspects through the process of discovery and that too in the outdoor