Here is provided information on the west Bengal
Calcutta religion. Read about the religion of Kolkata India.

a cosmopolitan city, Kolkata represents a blend of different religions.
Majority of people inhabiting Calcutta are Hindus. Muslims are in
minority. Other minority communities include Christians, Buddhist, Sikhs
and Jains. Thus, the religion of Bengal India is not very clear. Read on
to know more about the religion of Kolkata West Bengal
On the basis of religious sects, Hindus can be further classified into
a number of categories ranging from monotheists to polytheists. The
largest religious sect follows Vaishnavism. In the traditional caste
hierarchy, the highest position is held by the Brahmins, who are
considered to be the main guardians of sacred scriptures. After
Brahmins, the next caste in order of the precedence is that of Vaidyas
followed by Kshatriyas and Sudras.